Sunday, November 8, 2009

Vicious dog bites 6-year-old again

You would think after the first time of harming a child, a dog would have been trained from its owner to be gentle with humans. Apparently, Jamison found no harm done the first time, so he had to let his vicious mixed Chow go back for round two. 

School system closes The Eatery

Ticonderoga County school system pronounced closing ties with the restaurant business due to too much money being spent each year. The school system has other close relationships with local restaurants saving them $20,00 to $50,000 a year. These restaurants have programs, so the special-education students can get experience.

Man died from car accident

A 59 real old man named John Barker died at the Memorial Hospital of a heart attack. Annie Coulter, 82, drove her car right into the glass window of Subway Central restaurant where Barker was. Barker was not injured by the car. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Baseball Coach being forced to resign

Ricky Rust is no longer a baseball coach at Ticonderoga County High School due to not winning enough games. Not enough people were satisfied with the amount of games they had won.

Officials are seeking to keep Ten Commandments

Apparently John O'Kely thinks he has the right to sue over the display without even attending the courthouse on a regular basis. The Ten Commandment display hasn't harmed him in any way, so why feel the need to hurt God's feelings.

New hotel needs recommendation for public funds

A hotel in the downtown area has yet to be approved because public funds are not applicable for hotels. Although, the June 5 ballot will ask residents to vote if they would allow public funds to be used for the new hotel.

Family farms are struggling for a come back

The U.S. Department of Agriculture in Ticonderoga County said that in 1985 there were more than 800 farms. In order to be considered a farm $1000 of farm produces needs to be made during that year.