Sunday, November 1, 2009

A Biography

My name is Megan Newsome and I was born in Los Angeles, California. I moved from California to Georgia and now I go to the University of South Carolina . I will some day move back to California. I have four siblings. Two are older and two are younger than me. I am an Advertising major with a Graphic Design minor. I love reading texts that people put up from the night before. I also enjoy communicating with my friends on facebook

The following are my favorite movies:
  • The Hangover
  • The Breakfast Club
  • The Proposal
  • Transformers 1 and 2
  • My favorite actor is Jack Black and my favorite actress is Sandra Bullock. 

    I love country music. My favorite singers are:
  • Luke Bryan
  • Eric Church
  • Brantly Gilbert
  • Chris Cagel
  • Kenny Chesney
  • I have been to many Kenny Chesney concerts. My favorite quote by Kenny Chesney is
    "Whether it's getting a new car, going out with a certain someone, being spiritually fulfilled-whatever it is that makes you feel complete. That feeling, knowing you are whole and happy is what it is all about."

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